How to Distinguish Between Former and Latter in English

Distinguish between former and latter

In the English language, clarity and precision are paramount when communicating ideas. The correct use of words can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your message. Two words that are often confused are “former” and “latter.” In this blog post, we will explore the main differences between these terms, understand their meanings, delve into their definitions, provide examples to help you master their usage, and address common misconceptions.

Do You Know the Main Difference Between Latter and Former?

Before we dive into the details, let’s start by understanding the primary distinction between “latter” and “former.”

Former vs Latter Meaning

Former: The term “former” refers to the first of two mentioned items or options. It is used to indicate the first part of a set of two things. For instance, “In the debate between apples and oranges, I prefer the former.”

Latter: On the other hand, “latter” points to the second of the two items or options. It highlights the last part of a set of two things. For example, “Among hiking and swimming, I enjoy the latter more.”

How to Use Former and Latter in a Sentence

To use these terms correctly, consider the context and the order in which the items are mentioned. Let’s explore their usage through examples:

She visited Paris and Rome; in the former, she enjoyed the art, while in the latter, she savored the cuisine.

The company offers both part-time and full-time positions. John chose the latter because of the benefits it offers compared to the former.

DefinitionRefers to the first of two items in a sequence.    Refers to the second of two items in a sequence or the last in a larger sequence.
Typical UsePairs of items    Pairs of items
Larger GroupsCan refer to the first item, though not preferred.    Can refer to the last item, though not preferred.
AlternativesFirst   Last, Last-named
Usage NotesBetter suited for pairs; can cause confusion in larger groups.    Better suited for pairs; using in larger groups can be unclear.
Example“In the debate, the former speaker was more convincing.”    “Among the candidates, the latter had the most experience.”

Definitions of Former and Latter


  • Refers to the first item in a sequence of two.
  • Can sometimes be used for the first item in a larger group, though this is less common.


  • Refers to the second item in a sequence of two.
  • Can also refer to the last item in a larger group, but using it this way might lead to confusion.


  • While “former” and “latter” are traditionally used for pairs, in larger groups, alternatives like “first” and “last” may provide greater clarity.

Former Definition

The term “former” can be defined as the initial of two things mentioned, typically in a sequence. It refers to the first option or item under discussion. For instance, “The former chapter of the book focused on historical events.”

Latter Definition

“Latter” is defined as the second of two things mentioned, following the first. It indicates the last option or item being discussed. An example would be, “He considered two job offers, one from Company A and the latter from Company B.”

What’s the Difference Between Former and Latter?

In summary, the key distinction between “former” and “latter” lies in their positions within a set of two items. “Former” refers to the first item, while “latter” denotes the second item.

How Do You Use Former and Latter?

Using “former” and “latter” correctly involves considering the order of mention and understanding their respective meanings. Always keep in mind that “former” refers to the first and “latter” to the second. This proper usage adds precision and clarity to your communication.

Examples of Former and Latter

To provide a clearer picture, here are some examples:

Jane studied both history and mathematics. In the former, she explored the rise of civilizations, while in the latter, she delved into abstract equations.

Sarah offered her guests coffee and tea. Most chose the latter for its aromatic flavors over the former.

What Does Former Than the Latter Mean?

The phrase “former than the latter” is not a common expression in English. However, if used, it would refer to something being more closely related to or aligned with the first option (“former”) compared to the second option (“latter”).

Exceptions to the Former and Latter Rule

You might be thinking, “If ‘former’ means the first of two and ‘latter’ means the second, why complicate things?” However, language usage often defies strict rules. While typically referring to pairs, “former” and “latter” sometimes apply to larger groups.


  • “… three sorts of recruits: The former…” (Times Literary Supplement, 1949)
  • “…Hecht, Snyder, and Daiches, she omits the latter’s first name.” (Modern Language Notes, 1957)
  • “…goldfish, actors from Beverly Hills 90210, and The Manchurian Candidate. Of the three, only the latter makes sense.” (Mail on Sunday, 2005)

We don’t make language rules we describe how words are used. Though not advised by many usage guides, “former” and “latter” can refer to larger groups. Alternatives like “first” or “last” might be clearer, and repetition can aid reader comprehension. Be mindful that while these words ease writing, they might hinder reading if not used carefully.

Common Misconceptions About Former and Latter

It’s important to address some misconceptions surrounding these terms:

Not a Relative Sequence: “Former” and “latter” do not imply a specific time sequence, but rather a sequence in terms of presentation or order. For instance, “She read the first and last chapters of the book—the former was exciting, but the latter was thought-provoking.”

Avoid Overuse: While “former” and “latter” provide clarity, using them excessively in a text can make it cumbersome. Employ these terms judiciously to maintain a smooth flow in your writing.


Mastering the correct usage of “former” and “latter” can significantly improve your communication skills and enhance the clarity of your writing. Remember, “former” pertains to the first, while “latter” refers to the second. By understanding their meanings, considering their definitions, practicing their use in sentences, and addressing misconceptions, you can confidently differentiate between these two terms in various contexts.

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