Zentury Spotlight – Linking to High-Authority Websites Doesn’t Improve SEO

Google Chrome Updates for Improved Mobile Search

Google has revealed new features and upgrades for the Chrome mobile browser in an effort to improve the search experience for mobile users.

These improvements broaden search options, highlight trending subjects, and propose similar content.

Broader Search Options

Chrome now provides search suggestions that are relevant to the webpage a user is reading on iOS and Android devices.

A new “Related to this page” section that offers extra search alternatives for the material users explore is provided by this feature.

Assume, for instance, that a user is browsing a Google blog article and they click the Chrome URL bar.

Other related searches concerning Chrome updates and version history will be shown by the browser.

Google Chrome Updates

Highlighting Trending Subjects

The second feature, which is exclusive to Chrome for Android, inserts the most popular Google searches right into the Chrome address bar.

Opening a new tab, tapping the URL bar, and scrolling down to see what’s trending right now are the steps required to use this function.

Comprehensive results for the selected topic may be found by clicking on a trending search. This capability will eventually be made available to iOS users via Chrome.

Touch To Search

The third update improves Android’s “Touch to Search” function, where users can search for a specific word or phrase right from a webpage.

As a result of the upgrade, Touch to Search will now provide a carousel of related searches, enabling users to quickly access more details on a certain subject.

Quick translations, useful data about foreign words or locations, standardized touch interactions, and more user-friendly setup management are all available to users.

Broaden Search Options

Last but not least, Chrome has increased the range of suggestions that appear when users start typing in the address box.

Users using iOS and Android devices will now see 10 suggestions instead of the previous six, with the most pertinent ones showing up first.

Linking to High-Authority Websites Doesn’t Improve SEO

While interacting online with the SEO community, Google Search Advocate John Mueller recently clarified a frequent misconception about linking to highly authorized websites like Wikipedia.

Mueller was taking part in a conversation on the r/SEO forum, where SEO specialists discuss the most recent advancements in their field.

He dispelled a misconception that has lingered among SEO professionals by explaining that linking to websites like Wikipedia won’t affect search rankings.

This refers to how a website’s SEO and ranking may be impacted by outbound links from that website. The user was curious as to whether linking to well-known, reputable websites increases the small site’s credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Mueller simply stated that it does nothing to search ranking, and questions why it should have anything to do with it. He asserted that SEO specialists have maintained this false notion for many years.

He gave a funny example by saying: “Here’s my affiliate site about handbags – and here’s a link to CNN & Wikipedia, please take me seriously now, k?”

His example highlights the delusion that pointing to authoritative websites entails taking credit for them. Mueller also underlined how crucial it is to treat links similarly to content.

His statements imply that the user’s decision to connect to another website should be based on its relevancy and prospective worth rather than an attempt to deceive search engines.

Linking to High-Authority Websites

Google Now Supports Site Names in Four Additional Languages

Updates to Google’s site names system now enable more subdomains across all platforms in English, French, German, and Japanese.

The tech giant recently said on its blog that it has enhanced the system’s ability to choose appropriate websites to display in search results.

The function was only available on mobile devices and only supported a few languages when it was first introduced in May. The system is now functional on all platforms and in all supported languages.

The most recent site name system upgrade demonstrates Google’s dedication to improving the user experience while conducting searches.

According to the site name guidelines, Google advises that using WebSite structured data is the most efficient approach to propose a preferred site name.

This update comes in handy when a preferred site name is not available, like when two internationally focused sites have the same name.

In these situations, giving an alternative name enables Google’s engine to take additional possibilities into account.

Google also mentioned a possible problem where neither a preferred nor an alternate site name is chosen.

This could happen if a name isn’t considered as being unique, clear, or frequently connected to a certain website.

Google’s website now proposes using a domain or subdomain name as the site name as a solution.

Google advises users to confirm whether preferred and secondary names are provided via WebSite structured data and backed by other sources on your homepage before performing this repair.

Google Now Supports Site Names

Google on Treating “.AI” Domains for SEO

During Google SEO office hours, Google’s Illyes shared whether using the ‘.AI’ domain could have a downside, due to its connection to the Caribbean island of Anguilla. 

We differentiate two types of domain names: gTLD and ccTLD. Generic Top Level Domain or gTLD is a domain that is not linked to any country and is available to use worldwide. Such domains are: .com, .net, .biz, .org, .xyz and so on.

On the other hand ccTLD is a top level domain that is linked to a particular country, such as .uk and .in. Google uses such domains to localize the websites using them with the countries that are associated with those TLDs. So, for example if a website is using .uk TLD, Google will know that it is relevant for people in India. 

Some country-specific top-level domains (ccTLDs) represent more than just the country that they belong to.

As an illustration, the small island of Tuvalu has the ccTLD.TV.

Google on Treating ".AI"

The .Websites that wish to be recognized as (or relevant for) having something to do with television should utilize the TV ccTLD.

In the same way, ‘.AI’ is a ccTLD connected to the Caribbean island of Anguilla.

Use of the ‘.AI’ ccTLD raises the question of whether this might mistakenly localize the website to the island of Anguilla and affect its ability to rank in other nations, such as the US or anyplace else.

Ilyes offered a slightly shocking answer, stating that you may use ‘.AI’ for your global presence as of early June 2023 since Google Search treats it as a generic top-level domain (gTLD).

Gary’s response emphasizes the significance of checking whether a domain extension selected for a website is considered as a ccTLD or a gTLD because it might affect the website’s ability to rank globally.

The ability of a website to rank outside of the nation it is localized to might be significantly impacted by using a top level domain that Google views as localized.