Zentury Spotlight – Google Claims That Technical SEO Is Still Not Dead

Google Claims That Technical SEO Is Still Not Dead

John Mueller, the Google Search Advocate, has refuted suggestions that technical SEO is becoming less important by affirming its continued value.

He made these comments in response to a tweet by Yiğit Konur that said technical SEO was losing its importance on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Konur, claims that many people have misunderstandings about technical SEO and that some people approach it in an unnecessarily complicated way.

He said that the emphasis should switch to producing and optimizing high-quality content, barring any significant technological problems.

Mueller’s most recent assertion demonstrates that technical SEO is not dead and is still essential to a website’s performance.

Mueller’s statement emphasizes that technical SEO is not dead and continues to be the foundation of all open web developments, notwithstanding the changing environment of the SEO community.

google claims that technical seo is still not dead

Google Search Central Explains Common Web Errors in The Comedy of Errors

Gary Illyes from Google Search Central clarifies typical site issues that affect user experience.

He gives it an amusing portrayal by using a castle library to make technical faults more understandable.

In every chapter of the story, Illyes illustrates how errors can affect website users and the way how errors can be fixed.

Once Upon A Time

Illyes sought to clarify how each typical web error impacts user experience by using a castle library as a setting for his story and the idea of constructing a castle library is where it all starts.

The story highlighted how many sorts of errors may obstruct your visitors’ ability to access your website and rank highly in search engines, much as barriers might make it difficult for someone to go to a castle.

DNS Errors Represent Outdated Directions

In the first chapter, DNS failures represent outdated directions or maps that fail to accurately represent your castle’s current layout.

This can send your visitors in the incorrect direction or leave them wandering aimlessly inside the castle’s walls, unable to locate the library.

These occur in the real world when a DNS server is missing the correct webpage location.

You may take care of this problem on your own or with the help of your DNS provider/domain registrar, depending on how well you understand your server.

comedy of errors

The Visitor’s Quest Is Hampered by Network Errors

The visitor’s journey is hampered by network faults, which are described in the next chapter. Imagine when they get at the castle that the drawbridge does not lower across a dangerous moat filled with terrifying animals.

Network issues in the real world typically result from firewall configurations or a downed router between the client and the server.

To get over this barrier for users, the website owner must locate the blocking element close to the server or at the end of the content delivery network (CDN).

The Treasure of the Library is Affected by Server Errors

Server failures represent a library that has experienced considerable water or fire damage. These are issues with the website’s service in the real world.

When a server fault occurs, website owners should contact the server management or hosting company. More guests may depart the castle unsatisfied until this issue is rectified.

Client Errors Represent Unaccessible Information

The third chapter addressed client problems like 404s and soft 404s, portraying them as wrong visitor requests.

The fact that visitors make mistakes is not wrong. However, it’s akin to someone coming to the library only to discover that the book they were looking for has already been borrowed or may even be on the incorrect shelf. In any case, they are unable to access it.

By changing the URL, website owners may help consumers in this situation. Visitors may eventually go to another library where the needed book is easily accessible.

Google Busts Myths About Different Redirect Types

In a video for Google Search Central and a subsequent conversation on X/Twitter, Google Search Advocate John Mueller dispelled popular myths about redirect types.

The conversation cleared up long-standing misunderstandings about how Google handles different redirect types.

  • Redirect Types Have No Effect on PageRank

The highly discussed topic: whether to use a 301 or a 302 redirect for maximum PageRank is debunked by Mueller. He states that using the redirect that matches your situation is the best option. 

He went on to say that other kinds, including 307 and 308, are also good options because redirects have been an issue for search engines ever since they were created.

  • No Time Limit For Temporary Redirects

One of the participants questioned Mueller on the 302 and 307 redirects’ time component.

Mueller stated that there was no set period of time, which leaves SEO specialists in the customary waiting period following the changing or deleting of a redirect.

  • Reversing Permanent Redirects

Mueller threw in a surprise by letting SEO pros know that permanent redirects aren’t truly permanent, contrary to widespread perception that they are permanent.

This discussion cleared up a lot of misconceptions concerning HTTP status codes and redirect types, allowing SEO specialists to plan strategies based on actual data rather than conjecture.

redirect types

Google’s Experimental Feature Speeds Up Websites

Google recently released a new JavaScript implementation that enhances webpage responsiveness, enabling publishers that adopt it to surpass rivals in a new core web vital metric.

The announcement offers a sneak preview of a technique for accelerating webpage performance.

experimental feature speeds up websites

The Chrome Team is now undertaking an origin trial for scheduler.yield beginning in version 115 of Chrome in an ongoing effort to bring new APIs that aid web developers in making their websites as quick as they can be. 

A suggested new feature to the scheduler API called scheduler.yield provides an easier and more effective manner than the techniques now used to return control to the main thread.

If this trial is successful, publishers using all content management systems and platforms could seek to leverage it to get an advantage over their rivals.