Zentury Spotlight – ChatGPT Celebrates Its First Anniversary

ChatGPT Celebrates Its First Anniversary

ChatGPT marks a year since it first launched in research preview today.

Since its modest beginnings, ChatGPT has consistently pushed the limits of what generative AI can accomplish for practically every activity.

The story takes place over almost a year, starting on November 30, when OpenAI announced the release of ChatGPT’s research preview.

As soon as people started providing input, changes started to happen.

On December 15, 2022, ChatGPT got additional functionality for maintaining chat history in addition to basic performance improvements.

Factuality was improved in ChatGPT as the date moved forward to January 9, 2023, and a noteworthy feature was added to address user input and increase control: the ability to stop response production mid-conversation.

A few weeks later, on January 30, the model was expanded in scope with additional upgrades for improved factuality and mathematical skills.

The month of February 2023 was historic. On February 9, ChatGPT Plus was released, giving Plus customers access to a quicker “Turbo” version and additional features.

Updates to ChatGPT Plus’s international availability and performance of the free plan, which includes a faster version for Plus customers, were released on February 13.

A significant event occurred on March 14, 2023, when GPT-4 was made available to ChatGPT Plus users.

This new model had more inventiveness, sophisticated thinking, and the ability to handle complicated instructions.

And with a sidebar full of GPTs, this is ChatGPT for today. As generative AI continues to advance, the possibilities are endless. 

chatgpt first anniversary

Google Is Removing the Search Console Crawl Rate Limiter Tool

The crawl rate limiter tools was firstly introduced to the search interface in 2008. The tool’s objective was to give publishers the ability to manage Googlebot crawling so that the server wouldn’t get overloaded.

There was a period when excessive crawling was encountered by some publishers, which could have caused the server to fail to deliver websites to users.

Google ultimately provided the function under search interface after receiving enough complaints.

The tool’s impact was to supply Google with information. Google claims that requests to restrict crawling usually took a day or so to take effect and lasted for ninety days.

According to the statement, crawling algorithms have advanced to the point where Googlebot can recognize when a server is full and immediately reduce its rate of crawling.

Additionally, Google said that the tool was rarely utilized and that the crawl rate was usually set to the lowest option when it was.

From now on, the minimum crawl rate will be automatically set to a lower pace, in line with what publishers have often requested.

Because there are less frequently used tools cluttering the search console, it is easier to use when the item is removed.

Consequently, this ought to enhance the search console user experience.

Publishers can still provide Google with comments using the Googlebot complaint form if they are still experiencing issues with the crawl pace of Googlebot.

Search Console Crawl Rate Limiter Tool

Google Shares Advice Regarding Resolving 404 Errors in Inbound Links

In response to a Reddit topic regarding identifying and mending inbound broken links, Google’s John Mueller provided a detailed analysis, pointing out that although some broken links are worth locating and fixing, others are not.

On Reddit, someone questioned whether there was a free solution to identify broken links.

Mueller shared that you may look at the analytics of your 404 page and analyze the referrers there, filtering out your domain, to discover which links to your website are broken & “relevant. This displays the ones that in fact get traffic, which is most likely a reliable proxy.

Further, if you have access to your server logs you can observe which search engine bots crawl and obtain more detailed information. It involves some technical labor, but no additional tools are required, and the assessment of what can be fixed or redirected is probably more accurate.

Next, John Mueller gave guidance on when leaving a 404 page unfixed makes no sense.

He stated that it’s important to remember that 404 pages don’t need to be fixed, and that it is okay to have things disappearing. Bringing a 404 back has probably less SEO “value” than the effort you put into it.

Mueller caused confusion among some individuals by suggesting that fixing a 404 error might be necessary in certain cases while unnecessary in others.

Sometimes another website links to yours using the incorrect URL. A 404 response code will appear on your website as a result of traffic from the broken link on the other website. These links are simple to find and helpful to fix.

On the other hand, some people take advantage of links to pages that are no longer available by redirecting the missing page to the home page. However, Google views those links as Soft 404s, and no advantage is passed.

Resolving 404 Errors in Inbound Links

Google Is Adding More Organization Structured Data Markup Support

Organization structured data markup is becoming more widely supported by Google, enabling businesses to include more information about themselves in search results.

With this update, Google will display corporate information in knowledge panels and other visual components on the search results page by utilizing the markup.

This helps consumers in locating relevant details about the companies they are looking for.

In 2023, Google began allowing websites to define the image and URL for their logo in search results using the “logo” and “url” elements.

structured data markup support

Google now allows websites to add further details like their name, location, phone number, and company IDs.

Google integrates the current structured data rules for the logo with the organization’s larger markup documentation.

The Rich Results Test tool and Google Search Console’s logo report now provide more thorough organization markup validations.

By providing a URL or sample of code, the Rich Results Test enables evaluating organization markup. This gives immediate feedback on the accuracy of markup implementation.

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