Zentury Spotlight – ChatGPT Encounters Legal Troubles & China’s Giant Announces New AI Tool

ChatGPT and other AI tools are Encountering Legal Troubles

ChatGPT, a popular AI-based language model, has been recently banned in Italy and it may be just one of potential legal troubles OpenAi could face.

Users of ChatGPT have raised concerns about its safety and have filed complaints against OpenAI, the organization that created it. At the same time, different countries are taking steps to regulate AI, with the European Union working on a new law to regulate the use of AI, the United States proposing an AI Bill of Rights to protect users, and the United Kingdom recommending that existing agencies take on the task of regulating AI.

As Italy banned the ChatGPT for lack of age verification, the Irish Data protection commission has plans to investigate whether ChatGPT has violated privacy laws. Germany’s spokeswoman, Kelber, mentioned that the powerful AI tool might be banned if OpenAI violates GDPR or other privacy policies.

On the other hand, Sweden and Spain are currently not concerned about ChatGPT usage, but if the number of users’ complaints rises, the investigation might occur. France is rather excited about the latest AI technological developments, and has in plan to develop models that uphold French values.

Moving from Europe to Canada, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner has launched an investigation regarding the complaints against ChatGPT taking personal data without permission.

chatgpt legal troubles

Over 1 Million WordPress Sites Affected Due to AIOS Plugin Vulnerabilities

The well-known all-in-one security (AIOS) plugin is specifically designed to safeguard websites from hackers and other security threats. It offers log-in security protection, as well as plagiarism protection. It also blocks hotlinking and comment spam.

It became a trustworthy and highly popular choice among website owners, and it has been installed on over one million WordPress sites. However, the US government National Vulnerability Database has warned about two vulnerabilities: data sanitization failure and directory traversal vulnerability.

Data Sanitization Failure

One of the vulnerabilities of a particular plugin is due to a failure to properly escape log files. This is because the plugin failed to sanitize data, which is an important security measure that removes any sensitive information from outputs generated by the plugin.

Even WordPress recognizes the importance of sanitizing data and has created a developer page that provides guidance on the topic, complete with examples of how to effectively sanitize data and when it should be done.

Directory Traversal Vulnerability

The other vulnerability that Us government NVD has warned about appears to be a Path Traversal vulnerability.

Through this vulnerability, an attacker is able to breach security failure and access files that one should not have access to. This vulnerability leads the attacker to compromising critical system files. 

AIOS Plugin Vulnerabilities

Google Releases April 2023 Reviews Update

Apart from changing the name from “products reviews system” to “reviews system”, with the new update, product reviews now apply to all types of reviews. Meaning, it can evaluate reviews of any topic that is reviewable, including services and business, destinations and media.

The new documentation shares the signals of product reviews experience, which serve as an evidence that product has been used, measured and tested. The mentioned signals are:

  • Audio & visual, and links to evidence of experience:
    Google did not specifically state what audio and visual experience might be. However,  Taking photographs of what is being used, tested and reviewed is always a good idea. For products which need evidence of quietness or noisynes, visual and audio content might be applicable.  where visual and audio experience is important, such as demonstrating how quiet or noisy a product may be.
  • Quantitative measurements:
    It refers to measurements of a quantity. Taking performance measurements of a certain product always comes in handy.

Alibaba Takes on ChatGPT with Upcoming Launch of AI Tool

Alibaba, one of the biggest technology companies in China, has recently announced its plan to launch its own artificial intelligence chatbot, called Tongyi Qianwen (roughly translated: “seeking an answer by asking a thousand questions”).

The chatbot will be similar to ChatGPT and will be integrated into Alibaba’s various businesses in the “near future,” according to the company’s cloud computing unit.

However, no specific timeline for the rollout has been shared yet. Starting from there, many other technology companies around the world have also revealed their own generative AI chatbots in recent months. 

The new AI chatbot will be able to work in both English and Chinese, according to Alibaba’s chairman. Initially, it will be added to DingTalk, which is Alibaba’s workplace messaging app, and will be capable of performing various tasks like transcribing meeting conversations into written notes, writing emails, and creating business proposals. The company has also revealed plans to integrate Tongyi Qianwen into Tmall Genie, which is similar to Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant smart speaker.

 Tongyi Qianwen

Google Intends to Incorporate Conversational AI Into Search Engine

Amid increased competition in the AI world, Google announced that the next step is integrating conversational AI into its main search engine. 

By doing so, Google is staying competitive on the market, constantly competing with giants like Microsoft, who has backed OpenAI and ChatGPT.

This move will most likely influence the users’ engagement with search engines, potentially altering the future of SEO and digital marketing.

ai search engine chatgpt legal troubles

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