Zentury Spotlight – ChatGPT got a Free Clone: HuggingChat

ChatGPT got a Free Clone: HuggingChat

Hugging Face, the machine learning company, has announced the new AI bot, HuggingChat. It is in fact, a free clone of ChatGPt and it is available to anyone. 

The company, Hugging Face, has recently completed a 176 billion parameter large language model, Bloom. 

After finishing the project Bloom, HuggingFace dedicated its resources to creating a ChatGPT free clone which is based on the Open Assistant Conversational AI Model. 

The company has the goal to release open datasets, code and machine learning models, as well as to teach the basics of large-scale ML research and data management.

They want to promote the efficient use of energy and computing resources which will help confront the challenges of climate changes. And by doing so, they are creating models, datasets and codes reusable without further need of constant reparation.

HuggingChat is currently accessible to users. It is not required to register in order to use it or create a login account.

Expectations of ChatGPT-level productivity are unrealistic at this time. Its version number, 0.0, on the app page should give you an idea of how developed it is right now. Even still, there is absolutely no cost associated with using it, which makes it a tremendous accomplishment and first step for the open source community.

Free Clone

Google Expert Shares Opinion on Ideal Number Of Products On A Page 

When it comes to ranking purposes, what is the ideal number of products on a webpage?

The answer to the question was given by Google’s expert, Mueller, who suggested that the best answer would be to examine the question from different angles. 

The specific question was whether one should opt for a larger product range on a page because offering many products is a ranking factor, or go for a smaller product range because it will contribute to the conversion in terms of EEAT.

On this question, Mueller answered that the problem should be approached with usability testing. It is a method for testing that refers to evaluation of a product, in this case a website, by allowing potential users to interact with the webpage. 

It is suggested that once in a while you conduct the test, just to see what are the main issues people are encountering while using your website. In this way you get insight into the problem, and can optimize the website and solve the common issues. 

Getting back at the question about what is the ideal number of products on a webpage, Mueller confirmed that pages tend to rank differently on how many products are on the page. However, he stated that the different rankings are not by design, meaning that it probably is not the ranking factor. It is just Google responding on and classifying the content. So, the right answer could be that it has more to deal with user experience now. 


Open AI announces new plugins for ChatGPT

ChatGPT is getting new plugins, which will unlock its ability to browse the web.

OpenAI is still testing the new plugins, as they are the new tools that ChatGPT can use. The one thing is that the plugins may not necessarily work perfectly, as the bot needs to be firstly trained on how to use them.

One plugin that sparks most attention is the one that enables access to the online data. Many users, so far, are reporting buggy results. The fact is that the new plugins are only released as part of an Alpha testing. 

Commonly known, Alpha testing is the first version of a software, and such version of the software usually has bugs. Currently, developers and testers are working on the first version of the new plugins and trying to diminish the issues. 

The access to ChatGPT plugins is currently limited, and only ChatGPT Plus users, along with few developers are available to access it. However, there is a waitlist for the users who are eager to try out the new plugins. 

AI has announced that the release of the new plugins is Alpha-level access and they have a goal to give access to more users in time.

Free Clone

ChatGPT services again available in Italy

While the EU AI Act progresses, OpenAI complies with Italian privacy laws.

In March 2023, Italy became one of the first countries to ban ChatGPT. The reason for the ban was irregular data collection and lack of an age restriction mechanism. 

However, Italy’s nearly month-long ChatGPT ban has been lifted as a result of OpenAI’s compliance with the Garante’s conditions. To comply with European data privacy regulations, the company improved its services in a number of ways, including by making clearer how personal data is used.

As the European Union nears passing the Artificial Intelligence Act, which intends to govern AI technology and could eventually have an impact on generative AI tools, the resolution of this issue occurs.

With the comeback, ChatGPT firstly shows Italian citizens a “welcome back” pop-up window, which requires users to confirm that they are above the age of 18. If they are users of minor age, then they need to have parental content to use the bot. When creating an account on ChatGPT, users need to specify their birthday to gain the access.

Apart from above mentioned changes, the pop-up windows also contains links to OpenAI’s new privacy policy, as well as a help center article which focuses on developments of ChatGPT. The new options give an insight into what kind of data is being processed and under what conditions, 

All changes are displayed on the pop-up window and can easily be visible on the log-in and the sign-up page.

chat gpt approved

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