Zentury Spotlight – Google is capable of and does crawl iFrames


Busting myths: Google is capable of and does crawl iFrames

Taking back a look at a belief that search engines struggle to crawl and index content within iframes, there are new discussions arising from it.

The myth says that search engine robots were not able to analyze content inside frames. It was also believed that the robots could not exit the iframe and crawl the other parts of the website.

The further belief was that the content within iframes was scanned as another website’s content, which led to confusion whether it should be indexed or not.

Contrary to the old beliefs, Google has stepped up its game when it comes to crawling iframes. Now, it has the ability to directly render the iframe and inject its content as part of the hosting page. Google support gave some important insights:

Google can and does flatten iframes when rendering a page, you can see this by running the url containing the iframe through one of the testing tools like the url inspection tool or the rich results test.

However, if they choose to use that for ranking your site, especially if this is cross-domain content, available elsewhere, that’s a different question, and not something I’d rely on.

If you are just framing other people’s sites and hoping to rank them, that’s not really going to be a sustainable approach.”

So, having that in mind, it is advisable, as a website owner, to consider alternatives to iframes. The content within iframes may have a hard time getting indexed and showing up in search results. Having that in mind, including content directly on your pages instead of relying solely on iframes might be a good solution!

Crawl Iframes

Google reveals how it puts end to fake the reviews and profile accounts on Google Maps

Whether you are looking for the best restaurant or the best car shop in town – Google Maps is an essential tool on which you can rely on for navigation and discovery.

The important part of Google Maps is user-generated content such as reviews, ratings, and videos, but not all contributions can be trusted, and some scammers post fake reviews to make a quick buck. 

To address this, Google is leveraging technology and the expertise of its analysts to prevent fake content from ever seeing the light of day. They launched a significant update to their machine learning models that identifies fraudulent content much faster than it did previously. 

A new machine was also deployed which could recognize numbers overlaid on contributed images by analyzing specific visual details and the layouts of photos. Using this model many policy-invading imagery has been removed.

google maps

Google shares their progress in 2022:

  • 115 million policy-violating reviews have been blocked or removed, which was an increase of 20% of taken down profiles compared to 2021.
  • They blocked or removed 200 million photos and 7 million videos that were low quality or policy-violating material.
  • 20 million of fake Business Profiles have been blocked or removed, which was an increase of 8 million in comparison to 2021.

Google will without any doubt keep evolving the latest technology to maintain contributed content on Google Maps safe, genuine and reliable. 

Google AI team upgrades Bard’s Math & Logic Capabilities

The Google team has been constantly working on enhancing Bard’s capabilities, and lately they have been working on its math and logic capabilities.

By integrating PaLM’s advanced mathematical capabilities into the chatbot, Google AI team made Bard capable of handling a more broad range of mathematical tasks and offering relevant solutions. 

The powerful combination of PaLM and Bard will make an impact on context-aware problem solving and improved logical inference.

PaLm has a large parameter count and inference capabilities which allow the system to understand the math problems (including the ones involving logical thinking and reasoning) and provide reliable solutions.

bard math and logic

Google Ads: New Update and The Ads Transparency Center

Cross-Channel Conversion Credit Import

Google Ads has introduced a new update by adopting a full-channel conversion credit import approach.  It is said to improve analysis of the customer purchasing process and allow better-informed marketing decisions.

The new update will import full cross-channel conversion credit into Google Ads, meaning that it will allow you to see when someone purchases something even if they didn’t click on a Google ad last. 

Before this, no conversion was imported into Google Ads if the last click was not coming directly from a Google ad. 

The new cross-channel import feature in Google Ads will improve the accuracy of conversion value reports by taking into account the influence of other marketing channels.

This will make it simpler to notice any inconsistencies between the values tracked by Google Ads and those tracked by GA4 cross-channel credit.

google ads

Google Introduces The Ads Transparency Center

Google has announced the launch of the Ads Transparency Center to once again show its commitment to safe and transparent advertising.

The users are now provided with help to quickly and easily get to know more about the ads popping on Search, YouTube and Display. 

The Google has announced that few things will be easier to understand, and those are:

  • The ads an advertiser has run
  • The ads that were shown in a certain region
  • The format of an ad and the last time the ad has run. 

By launching the Ads Transparency Center, Google is making sure that the users are informed about the ad they see online before visiting its website. 

In this way Google empowers its users to get well-informed before purchasing products that they have come across through the Google Ads.

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