Zentury Spotlight – Google Confirms There Is Issue With Indexing

Google Confirms There Is Issue With Indexing

On October 5th, Google revealed that there is an ongoing technical issue holding up the indexing of recently published web content.

Google’s Search Liaison shared a post on X, where they announced that the team is actively trying to find the source of the issue.

Later on, the same day, Google announced that the issue has been fixed. They stated that the issue is now resolved, and that the issue lasted from 10:30AM PDT to 4:20PM PDT.

Because of the indexing delays, any content posted to websites from now until the issue is addressed could not appear right away in Google search results.

Breaking news articles and other current information could not get adequately indexed, which might have an impact mostly on news publishers.

When the technical issue is fixed, Google should resume normal indexing of the previously unpublished content that was impacted.

Google generally works in three stages: 

  1. Crawling
  2. Indexing
  3. Serving search results

Google assesses if a page is canonical or a duplicate of another internet page throughout the indexing process. After indexing is done, your page will show up in search results. 

issue with indexing

Race to Fix Critical DDoS Vulnerability Impacting Any Website

Information on a new type of DDOS that uses comparatively little resources to execute attacks of enormous scale, making it an obvious threat to websites as server software providers scramble to produce fixes to prevent it.

The bug takes advantage of the many data streams that can go to and from a server and a browser thanks to the HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 network protocols.

This implies that instead of having to wait for each resource to download one at a time, the browser may request numerous resources from a server and receive them all in return.

HTTP/2 Rapid Reset is the name of the exploit that Cloudflare, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google made public.

The HTTP/2 network protocol is used by the great majority of contemporary web servers. Virtually all servers are exposed since there is presently no software patch to remedy the security issue in HTTP/2.

A zero-day exploit is one that is brand-new and cannot be protected against. The good news is that firms who make server software are working on updates to fix the HTTP/2 flaw.

Publishers of server software are presently working on updates to fix the HTTP/2 attack vulnerability. Customers of Cloudflare are currently secure and should not worry.

In the worst-case situation, Cloudflare suggests that the server administrator downgrade the HTTP network protocol to HTTP/1.1 if the server is under assault and helpless.

The hackers won’t be able to continue their attack if the network protocol is downgraded, although the server performance could suffer (which is still preferable than going offline).

critical ddos vlunerability

Google Uses New Tools to Guide Users Toward Sustainable Energy Options

Google has announced a number of updates to its search engine results pages that will provide users access to more in-depth data to help reduce transportation and energy emissions.

Google stated that it was working to build technologies that would assist people, communities, and organizations make more environmentally friendly decisions. The two industries that contribute the most to global emissions are transportation and energy, therefore they have given them considerable attention. Some of the updates include:

  • Deeper electric vehicle insights in Search:
    During the last two years, searches for electric vehicles (EV) have almost quadrupled globally. With the new update, when consumers look for phrases like “best electric cars,” they can easily compare costs, battery life, and models. Additionally, they may locate federal government incentives for eligible automobiles in the U.S. National incentives from Germany and France will also be available shortly.
  • More information about home cooling and heating options:
    By upgrading search experience to offer energy efficiency data and financial incentives when users search phrases like “heat pumps” or “air conditioning”, Google makes it simpler for those seeking for more environmentally friendly heating and cooling choices for their homes.

Making sure your pages include structured data markup for things like battery range, incentives, and efficiency ratings will assist SEOs in the EV and home energy sectors get their data displayed in these new search results.

The creation of informative, thorough site content should come first, but adopting schema where necessary provides Google more to work with.

sustainable energy options

Google Releases New Ad Product, Demand Gen

Google is launching a new advertising solution, Demand Gen Campaigns, which uses AI to produce very targeted video and image ads on various Google platforms, such as YouTube.

The goal of this brand-new ad solution is to assist marketers in expanding their social media strategy past well-known sites like Facebook and Instagram.

google new product demand gen issue with indexing

Details on the New Product

Demand Gen Campaigns make use of picture carousels designed for mobile and video advertising that may last up to 15 seconds, which are perfect for pre- and mid-roll YouTube placements.

The creative tools provided by Demand Gen allow advertisers to customize their messaging and ad content for various target segments.

As people read through feeds, formats like carousels and bumper advertising try to grab their interest.

Demand Gen uses strong creativity in conjunction with Google’s potent AI to find “lookalike” consumers that have traits in common with a brand’s current customers.

To increase clicks, site traffic, or conversions, bidding and budget technologies give advertisers fine-grained control over ad distribution.