Zentury Spotlight – ChatGPT’s outage on Monday

open Ai z+weekly news recap

ChatGPT’s outage on Monday: the AI-based chatbot was down for a short time

The outage of ChatGPT happened this Monday and posed quite a trouble for the users.

The AI chatbot was shut down because of a glitch that allowed other users to see the titles of the chat histories of its users, which could have compromised their privacy.

This caused frustration for both mobile and desktop users.

The sidebar, which typically displays a user’s chat history, showed other users’ titles, but the content of the conversations was not visible. The issue was caused by a bug in open-source software that OpenAI was using, but the exact cause remains unknown. 

A screenshot of a bug was posted by a Reddit user; it displayed the titles of ChatGPT sessions belonging to someone else instead of the user’s own sessions.

OpenAI confirmed the bug and temporarily disabled ChatGPT until it was resolved. 

Although ChatGPT is now back online, chat history is currently unavailable. This serves as a reminder for users to be cautious of what they type into ChatGPT or similar services, and we are awaiting updates from OpenAI regarding steps taken to prevent similar issues in the future.

Microsoft has developed the Bing Image Creator, a tool that uses AI to create visual content

Microsoft launched Bing Image Creator, an AI-powered tool integrated into Bing and Microsoft Edge, that allows users to generate images by describing them in their own words. 

Microsoft partnered with OpenAI to ensure responsible use of the tool and has implemented controls to limit the generation of harmful or unsafe images.

The tool offers a visually engaging chat experience and a seamless content creation process.

Microsoft has put in place a number of precautions to prevent the generation of problematic pictures in order to guarantee that the tool is used responsibly.

Users may benefit from the features of the tool while still being protected from hazardous information thanks to these controls.

Microsoft’s collaboration with OpenAI indicates their dedication to developing technology that is appropriate and moral for use by everybody.

In addition, Microsoft is also rolling out Visual Stories and Knowledge Cards 2.0 to deliver more engaging, interactive, and dynamic content.



Google has introduced BARD, an AI-powered chatbot

Google has launched BARD, an AI-powered chatbot that aims to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing Chat in the chatbot market. The chatbot is designed to enhance productivity and creativity, while addressing potential biases and misinformation.

BARD uses an advanced large language model (LLM) for its operations and will be improved with even more advanced models in the future.

Google has taken a cautious approach to the rollout of BARD due to concerns about unpredictable and unreliable chatbot technology. Google acknowledges these concerns and is working to mitigate potential biases and misinformation. 

Access to BARD is available at bard.google.com and requires a Gmail address to sign up. The company aims to bring BARD to market responsibly while maintaining its dominance in the search engine market.

New category-based targeting feature for Microsoft Search Ads

Microsoft has recently introduced a new strategy for search advertising which is targeted towards the retail media sector to enable businesses to more effectively reach their desired audience. 

This category-based targeting solution simplifies campaign management by combining categories and keywords to optimize campaign performance.

This innovative approach enables advertisers to target their audience based on their browsing categories and boost their bids with relevant keywords.

By combining both audience behaviors, advertisers can increase their chances of converting purchase intent into sales, resulting in higher revenue. 

With this new approach, Microsoft’s PromoteIQ aims to improve the overall performance of search advertising for both advertisers and retailers. 

Microsoft plans to optimize the functionality of this tool in multi-turn chats and make it available in Balanced and Precise modes over time to further improve campaign performance.

Mozilla has developed an open-source AI system that aims to compete with ChatGPT and Bard

The new wave of AI has caught the attention of many big tech companies, including Microsoft and Google, who are heavily investing in this field.

Mozilla doesn’t want to be left behind and has announced plans to establish a startup called Mozilla.ai with a $30M commitment.

The open-source initiative to develop AI will pose a challenge to big tech companies like OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft.

Mozilla’s approach will be human-first, focused on creating a trustworthy open-source AI ecosystem. Their first two projects will focus on creating a free, trustworthy and open-source generative AI, similar to ChatGPT and Bard, and a privacy-first recommendation system that promotes users’ well-being. 



Opera has added new features powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to its desktop browsers

Opera has introduced AI-powered features in its desktop browsers as part of the first stage of its Browser AI development. The features include AI Prompts and GPT-based services such as ChatGPT and ChatSonic, which aim to enhance users’ browsing experiences and improve online research. 

The AI prompts allow users to input text into the address bar or highlight text on a website to generate short conversations with generative AI services.

The ChatGPT and ChatSonic services are integrated into the browser’s sidebar and provide users with access to popular generative AI platforms for idea generation, summaries, translations, and more. 

The new features are available in early access for Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop browser versions and can be accessed by upgrading the Opera or Opera GX browser.

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