Zentury Spotlight – Google Agrees That Google Sites Are Not the Best for SEO

Google Agrees That Google Sites Are Not the Best for SEO

John Mueller, from Google, shares tips on how to use Google Sites for SEO while downplaying their value.

With a signed-in Google account, Google Sites is a website construction tool available at sites.google.com/new.

The website is hosted by a free website builder and is published under the domain sites.google.com, however one can choose to use a different domain name.

Mueller explains that Google Search can and does index websites created on Google Sites.

However, the URLs used in Google Sites are challenging to trace as the URL you see when logged in can be different from the public version.

To put it bluntly, even while it can technically be indexed, it’s not the best for SEO and can be difficult to trace in Search Console, Mueller shares.

If SEO is your first priority, it can be wise to look into other possibilities and weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

Mueller then suggested choosing a real domain name and outlined the benefits of doing so over the default “sites.google.com” domain.

google sites issue

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Google Completes the August 2023 Core Update Rollout

Google Search Central shared on the “X” that the August 2023 core update is finally finished. As the Google Updates leave an impact on website owners, here is what actions should be taken.

According to the Google Search Status Dashboard, it took 16 days and 3 hours for the most recent core upgrade to go live completely.

Google’s search algorithms are being improved with core updates in order to deliver more accurate and useful search results.

Google also released product review updates in February and April, however the most recent core change was in March 2023.

Coincidentally, Google updated its Search Central documentation to state that it indexes CSV files a few days after the August core update’s release.

Google emphasized that pages affected by major revisions aren’t always bad. The algorithmic updates are aimed at enhancing the system’s overall content evaluation.

In reaction to changes in search results, Google continues to urge website owners to concentrate on high-quality content.

google update changes best for seo

Google Makes Corrections to Crawler Documentation to Fix a Typo

Google fixed a typo that unintentionally misrepresented one of its crawlers in the documentation for their crawlers.

The typo was not so easily notices, you can see it for yourself:

Original: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Google-InspectionTool/1.0)
Fixed: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Google-InspectionTool/1.0;)

In general, this is a small problem, but for SEOs and publishers that rely on the instructions to build firewall rules, it’s a huge one.

It’s possible for a website to unintentionally stop a valid Google crawler if the proper information is not recorded.

If the CMS must employ robots.txt or a robots meta directive to prevent Google from seeing pages it shouldn’t be looking at, incorrect user agent identification might also be troublesome.

To prevent bots from indexing sites like the user registration page, user profiles, and the search function, some forum content management systems delete connections to such areas of the website.

website crawler best for seo

Amazon Releases Generative AI Tool To Create Listing Content

By using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to produce listing material, Amazon has made great progress in making life easier for its merchants.

At the Amazon Accelerate event, Amazon unveiled the new generative AI capabilities, which were first identified in August and are intended to help merchants create more interesting and thorough product descriptions.

It has typically been difficult for vendors to come up with catchy product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

The recently unveiled technique tries to get rid of this difficulty. Amazon’s generative AI tool might assist merchants in creating thorough and interesting product descriptions by utilizing large language models (LLMs).

The procedure is quite simple. Sellers just need to include a succinct summary of the item or a few essential phrases. To create excellent, thorough material for the seller’s review, Amazon’s AI is used.

Sellers can immediately post this information to their product listings if they are happy.

amazon ai

Google Makes Updates on Shopping Tab in Its Search Console

The Shopping tab Listings report in Search Console has been upgraded by Google, and it now gives retailers information on the status of their listings and growth prospects.

The most recent changes to the Shopping page, which were made available in November, should aid retailers in properly showcasing their goods.

By ensuring that items are visible on Google, the most recent updates to the Shopping tab Listing report might aid retailers in growing their sales.

First, when any problems may occur that cause a merchant’s items to no longer show on the Shopping page, the merchant will now be notified.

google search console

This notification system is meant to serve as an early warning system, giving companies the chance to fix problems that prevent their items from showing up in Google Search.

The updated report will also point out ways for retailers to increase clicks and raise the visibility of their items on Google.

For instance, it would give merchants instructions on how to submit the most pertinent details on shipping and return policies for customers.

The tool could assist companies in increasing the visibility of their products on the leading search engine.

With this update Google has strengthened its ecommerce infrastructure for online store operators.

Users of Google Merchant Center and Search Console may anticipate a more simplified, effective, and efficient approach to maintain and expand their product listings as a result of the new Shopping tab capabilities.

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