Toward vs. Towards: How to Use Them Right Way?

Zentury Grammar School

Toward vs towards, two seemingly interchangeable words that have puzzled writers and speakers for years. Are they the same, or is there a correct way to use them in different contexts? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the proper usage of these words, their meanings, pronunciations, and even delve into their historical expressions.  Whether … Read more

Using a Comma Before As Well – Rules & Examples

Zentury Grammar School

Punctuation plays a vital role in effective communication, enhancing clarity and comprehension in writing. One commonly misunderstood punctuation mark is the comma, which helps separate elements within a sentence. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of using a comma before as well. Understanding when and how to use this comma correctly can … Read more

Top Tools for SEO | Improving Website Visibility: A Comprehensive Guide

tools for seo

Tools for SEO are without a doubt essential when it comes to increasing a website’s exposure in search engine result pages, or shortly SERPs. Using successful SEO strategies, businesses are more likely to boost traffic to their websites, lead generation, and eventually income. However, SEO gets complicated, no matter if you are a beginner or … Read more